Monday, May 7, 2012

Reunion Coming!

It's almost time for our R&H Meldrum Family Reunion! 
  (June 26-30)
It will be at Arch Dam campground at Flaming Gorge.

  If you haven't already, please let me know who is planning on going so that I can divide up the meal responsibilities for everyone.

As usual, we will be having:
Talent show-- Bonny and family are in charge of that.
Kids activities-- each family bring something fun to do for the kids to do as a group. 1-10,,11-18,,18 and Up.
Fun meals together--Paula is organizing the meals.

Please contact me ASAP to let me know who will be coming, and if you have any ideas, preferences for meals, etc….



P.S.--Mom will not be in charge of anything. She is the matriarch and honored guest.

May Fireside

Yesterday was our Fast Sunday Family Fireside.  The J&K Meldrum family was in charge of the lesson. Ashley prepared and presented a wonderful lesson about Faith.  It was a good time that we could all share our feelings and testimonies together.  Ashley did a great job and we all were fed spiritually.  Afterwards we enjoyed dessert by the Davis family-- Yummy peach cobbler with ice cream or whipped cream.  It was from Grandma Alene Meldrum's recipe.  Everyone in attendance had a wonderful time. 

Krystal wants everyone to know about her new business as a home and family organization consultant.  She has a website to give you great tips and help to do it on your own, and she will even come to your home to help you get those trouble spots in tip top shape.  We all know how amazing she is at keeping an organized and balanced life, now she is letting us in on her secrets!  Take a look at her website:   

We have decided to divide up the responsibilities at FSFF and ask you to sign up for a month when you can be there.  Give the lesson, provide music, or bring dessert.  This will be different in that everyone will not be bringing a dessert, but just one family brings for everyone.  Call Mom or Paula and let us know when you want to do what!