Monday, November 9, 2009


Dear Family,
This has been a glorious fall season. I have enjoyed the view from my window as the colors on my tree change, and watching the changes in the trees and flowers as Paula and I drive to the temple each week. The temple has been such a blessing to me, it really helps to put your life in perspective.
Our cemetery tour was quite successful. We picked up quite a bit of information from the five cemeteries we visited. There was two carloads of us, Margaret, Jessica, Kathy, Chelsea, Rachael, Kaitlin, Rebekah, Paula and me. We stopped for lunch after going to Fairview and Springville and ate with our ancestors in Provo cemetery. It was very pleasant and enjoyable.
On October 8,9, and 10 I had a very nice trip with Ross' sisters and husbands. On Thursday at 6 am Kent and Sharlene picked me up and we followed Ray and Carma and Luan as we drove up to Lois and Merlin’s in Idaho, stopping for a nice breakfast on the way. From Lois’ we caravanned up to Island Park, Idaho, which is quite close to West Yellowstone. They have a beautiful cabin there that Merlin and his boys built a couple of years ago. They use it year round, even when the snow is really deep. They have all their family there for Thanksgiving. It is really large. Luan and I each had our own separate bedroom. It has three complete bathrooms, central heating with thermostats in each room, and a big fireplace in the main room with a gas fire and two wood burning stoves in large
rooms on either end. A big kitchen with lots of work space and two big refrigerators. It was awesome and so comfortable!
It snowed while we were there and Friday we went to Yellowstone and Old Faithful. It was so cold that all we could see of the eruption was a lot of steam!
Back at the cabin we played games and visited. One game was played with dice and called Greedy. Another was Five Crowns. I really enjoyed them.
Merlin cooked us a dinner that was out of this world! He had grilled salmon, some marinated, some just grilled, Halibut battered and deep fried, jumbo shrimp cooked two different ways. Baked potatoes, corn on the cob, sliced tomatoes, rolls and lemonade. More than we could possibly eat! And so good! The other meals were really good too. I especially enjoyed the breakfasts. We all ate more than we normally do!

Last Sunday’s fireside was really special with Joseph and Paula reporting on their missionaries. Then Rachael played two beautiful numbers on her violin, “Amazing Grace” and “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing”. Those who weren’t there really missed out!
This weekend I am going to St. George with the Davis’ for the Red Rocks Band Competition.
That’s all; for now!
Love, Mom


William Chisholm was Grandma Alene Meldrum’s grandfather.
William, in his early thirties, purchased a sawmill and took it into Spanish Fork Canyon to go into the lumber business. William was successful at farming, ranching, and in the lumber business. He helped to establish a bank in Spanish Fork. Chisholm and Gardner, their lumber company, furnished the lumber for the building and took stock in the bank as payment. He was a vice-president of the bank as well. This building still stands on Spanish Fork Main Street. (About 250 North)
He was a believer in not letting his left hand know what his right hand gave in the line of donations for all worthy causes. Around Thanksgiving time he made many trips to town, taking meat, flour, vegetables, potatoes, etc. He would say he thought he knew someone who could use them, and that is all he would ever say about it.
We have a great heritage.


We have been very busy the last couple of months being band groupies. We have followed the bands (SF and SHHS) from Weber State to Dixie. This Friday is the last competition—the state finals. I think both bands have a chance at placing in the top three. This week in Logan, SHHS took third place and the percussion trophy. At BYU, SF took second place. Rebekah has a piccolo solo as part of their show. Rebekah and Christian have both done an awesome job with their bands! So has Mike!
Jonathan is trying to decide what instrument he wants to play. He has narrowed it down to a band instrument, at least.
We will be going to Mesa for Thanksgiving this year. DeEtte may not be there because Adam’s wife is expecting a baby at that time. They live in Florida. But we can enjoy the holiday with Kristine and her family, and the rest of DeEtte’s family that are there.
I got an early Christmas present because of the back-to-school sales. I’m typing on it. I have long wanted a laptop computer to do scrapbooking and genealogy work on and now I have it. Merry Christmas to me!

Spencer is now serving in the Rendsburg area. It is in Northern Germany, the second most northern of the mission. It is his first time in a bike area. It took some getting used to after being in a college city and having a lot of young people in the ward, to having a small branch with mostly older people. But he is really loving it now. They have a young man that is a recent convert that they have been working with and helping him to prepare to go on a mission.
We sent him a package and he shared it with this new member. “He really liked the peanut butter MnM’s, but he refused to try the jerky! He said it was too weird! Then he asked if Amerikans eat other weird foods like that. Haha So we talked a lot about that. Jell-o is really hard to explain in German. Haha. And he laughed about the “German” chocolate kake. He didn’t even know what pecans were! They don’t have them here in Germany. We told them we would kook it and eat it at our next appointment. That was really fun.”
“We watched the fifth session of general conference in church. I had only listened to it before. It is weird to think that I can understand all of that in German! Yeah, it was kool.”


Kathy is in training for a new customer service system at JetBlue. The classroom training lasts two weeks and then we have refresher courses until February when the new system goes “live” in February.
Dave is working on a photo history of Pioneer buildings in Utah. If anyone knows any interesting stories that go with a particular building, email the story and the address of the building to Dave at .
Chelsea is thrilled to be 1/4 of the way through her senior year!! Only three more successful semesters to go!!
Rachael is enjoying school and her membership in National Junior Honor Society. On her birthday, since there was no school, she spent about three hours helping the teachers at the school for NJHS service hours.
Kaitlin is playing the oboe in band this year. It is a more difficult instrument than the flute or clarinet, but she is doing really well with it. Kait is also happy to have the school year 1/4 over.

Van Lines

Yes, we are still alive and living in St. George.  John is still retired and enjoying working on genealogy and home improvement projects.  He works at the genealogy library on Wednesday afternoons.  A lot of his time is spent taking care of Shantel, who still lives with us.   Aaron is working at Capriottis, a sandwich shop he has been with for a couple of years.  Shawn is still working at the Electric Cafe, a restaurant he was been with for a couple of weeks.  Marianne is still a school counselor at Desert Hills High School.  On the weekend she and John are the morning feeders for 25 horses in a boarding facility.  In her spare time she loves drawing or being with her friends' horses.  Her most recent accomplishment is learning to drive a bobcat skid loader. 
The most exciting change in our lives in the last few months has been the addition of Vegard into the family.  You can read about him in another article.  We are very, very, happy to have Matt, Melissa, and Dayna in St. George! And although we are now a little short on overnight accommodations, we are hoping that everyone is planning to be at our house for New Year's Eve!


Vegard is a foreign exchange student from Norway and lives with the Van Staverens. He is 18 years old and a senior at Desert Hills High School in St. George, Utah. “V” is a deep thinker and enjoys learning new things and having new experiences. He is open minded and enjoys exploring new ideas and beliefs. One of V’s great qualities is his positive attitudes towards everything. He doesn’t complain about anything or anyone. He is passionate about soccer and hopes to play on the school team in the Spring. Currently he is playing on an indoor soccer league. In school he enjoys Medical Anatomy and Physiology, Medical Terminology, and Advanced Placement English. In the future V hopes to be a medical professional. “The most surprising thing about Vegard is his lack of an accent. At the beginning of the school year students wouldn’t believe that he was a foreign exchange student. V plays guitar, and enjoys just hanging out with friends. He doesn't miss the cold in Norway, but he does miss his friends.
Nico is a foreign exchange student from Italy. He and Vegard have become best friends here in America. Nico’s first host family didn’t work out and so he moved in with a new host family on Monday Nov. 2. He now lives with the Shepherd’s: mat Melissa, and Dayna. Nico attracts people to him because he is always smiling and happy. He is very fun to be around and loves to have fun. He is inquisitive and loves to see and experience new things. Nico’s accent is strong and it makes him very fun to talk to. In Italy his mother owns a bed and breakfast and his father is a professional photographer.

English Meldrum's

Hi all,
It seems a long time since we have written sorry about that. I finally downloaded our Meldrum Family Camp pictures today. So I will try to send some pictures.
Our camp was a nice break to Mother Ive's Bay we spent a lot of time going to the beach and on walks. The weather seemed to cooperate 50% of the time. Though forty mile an hour winds with rain at night was very memorable. Kim wants a more sturdy tent next year. Also memorable was the 6 hour wait on the motorway in a 20 mile backup because of an accident on one of the bridges. But the views and the private beach was worth it. There was also a surfing competition one day which was fun to watch.
Britainy is working part time at Clarks shoes which she seems to love and going to college the rest of the time if she's not those two places she is with one of her friends. So we have to book in time to see her.

Rachelle has had a very busy few months with the start of Senior School and going into Young Women's. Kim tried to get her into Commonwheal where Britainy went to school but it was full and we were just outside their catchment area so Rachelle is going to Churchfields which is closer. It hasn't got as good a report as Commonwheal but Rachelle has Jassica, one of her best friends, going with her and I am relieved to have her in a school that is only 10 minutes walk away. Also her other best friend, Lucy, who was having a hard time at Commonwheal just transferred to Churchfields making Rachelle even happier.

Rachelle also just came back from youth conference last weekend and loved it, especially the testimony meeting.

Krystal misses having her sister to walk to school with but now she has her brother she's a good sister. She has just started a Polish club learning about the Polish culture. That is Kim's background and we are excited to have her learn some things that will be part of her heritage.

Jared is loving school and doing really well on his school work. His teacher describes him as energetic! He has been excited for his birthday and he kept asking how many weeks left. It is tomorrow and he has just had a wonderful week already. He is a really good boy.

Kamyla is our little joy and a big pain in the neck! She is just a little darling. She loves Singing Popcorn Popping, Incy Wincy Spider, and Old McDonald. I have nick named her Shirley Temple because she has such gorgeous golden curls. I just want to cuddle her all the time!

Kim and I have been sick and dealing with sick children for a few weeks. Not fun!

Kim has been so excited for her birthday party. (the big 4-0) She still has 7 weeks! Every body is invited of course, so get your tickets now.

Scott Meldrum
Phone: 01793 347277

Shepherd's Fold

Things are going good here and we are trying to stay well. We believe all of our grandkids are finally healthy again. We  had a fun few weeks making Barbie doll furniture for Christmas and Santa is working on other things for Christmas as well. We miss having Matt and Melissa and are planning on going down to St. George at  New Years.
Melanie and Jarom as well as Erin and Brett were here for Halloween and it was fun watching our little Grandkids all dressed up. We came to the conclusion and there was no contest Our Grandkids are not only the cutest but make the best little goblins any where to be found. Those who were not at our house have shared pictures with us and they too were very cute goblins. We had one trick or treater come to the house and because Melanie and Jarom were in the Trailer there was a light left on and this little goblin wanted to know if he could trick or treat the Trailer as well.
Margaret is in full speed ahead with her school class this year and right on top of those 6th graders making sure they are good little boys and girls. Dale is just doing Santa's work shop and making sure the Elves are not goofing around.  We had our 35 anniversary a few weeks ago, we went to the New Oquirrh Mountain Temple and it was a very special day.
That’s all Folks

Hi! From the Lauber's House of Looney Tunes
Our news right now is that everyone is sick well not everyone just Nate and Emily. Nathan has a sinus infection and Emily has strep throat. Emily didn't get to go trick or treating because she was sick on Halloween she didn't even care to dress up. Nate was fine on Halloween cause he was sick on the Tuesday before. You should have seen Joseph and Nate's costume, keep in mind that Joseph thought of this him self, they went as BYUtes fans Joseph was the #1 fan and Nate decided that if Joseph was #1 he had to be #2 fan. They were so cute. Allyson went as a vampire she wore my old black color guard dress she was the cutest vampire in the universe. I have attached a picture of the boys and one of Allyson so you can see just how cute they are. Josh has been on active duty the last two weeks so he has been home at night and gone during the day. I do what I do best take care of everyone else. Oh Josh's brother Peter and his wife (Peter's) had a baby on October 19 he weighed 3 lbs. 11 oz. He was 7 weeks early and they named him Jesse. What a great name. Well that is all our news for now hopefully we remember next time to write.
Love, the Looney Lauber's

Shepherd's in the Sun

OK, it is time to sit down and talk. We have been in our new place about a month now. Our new address is:
3155 South Hidden Valley Dr.
St. George Ut. 84790
home # (435) 773-9923
Melissa Cell (801) 635-6030
Matt cell (801) 428-7447
Dayna has started school and made some friends. She likes her teacher, so things are good. Matt is working hard revamping the airport here (all the forms they have). They like him here and he is doing a fantastic job! I am so proud of him.:)
I am still looking for a job and keeping house and being mom (loving it by the way).
We also have a new member of the family. He is a 17 year old Italian. His name Nico Pente. We are so glad to have him, he is very bright and energetic young man. He likes sports and being with his friends.
Well, we hope to hear from you all and for you to come and visit!
Love you all,
Matt,Melissa and Dayna

Meldrum's News

Adam just passed his year mark. He has been in the mission office for about 6 weeks now where he is in charge of all of the apartments in the mission. We (Joseph and Stacey) are hoping to go down next October to pick him up. Here is an excerpt from Adam’s last letter.

“Bueno, everything is crazy here, crazy but still nothing happens... I talk with and negotiate with landlords everyday, wheelin’ and dealin’, then I have to go out and be this loving kind missionary... its hard, but good practice for life, to be a strong business man AND a loving servant of the lord. and I am pleased to announce, I speak really good Spanish, I understand everything and I have truly been blessed, it will be soooo much fun 1 year from now having you down here talking to the people, showing you around and everything, I am soo used to this place I don’t know what its like back there in the states so it will be fun to see your shock :)”

Ameri is planning to spend next summer in Mexico teaching English as a lead teacher for ILP


Family Christmas Party
Saturday, December 12th (tentative)
1:00 pm First Ward Church
Dinner assignments will be made
Bring a dessert to share.
Bring a talent number to share! this can be the time to do the silly ones if you would like.

Brother and Sister Party
Hosted by Sue Ann
@ Mom’s house
Time and Date: TBA

FSFF December 6th

In December Grandma has asked to have a special fireside that includes all the wonderfully talented musicians in our family. Yes, that does include you.
Please prepare a number fitting with the occasion of a fireside and Christmas. (Sorry, Rudolf does not count for this one.)
We will have narration of the Christmas story to go along with it, so if you could let me (Paula) know what music you are preparing then I can make up a program that will fit together nicely.