Sunday, October 5, 2008

Meldrum Family News

Dear Family, 
This would be fun if this blog will work for a version of our newsletter!  I have never tried blogging before and this is a new experience for me.  I had been looking at Bill's nieces and nephews' blogs that have helped their family to stay up dated on each other and I thought that maybe this is something that we can do, too.  Alene and Mike also have their own blog that they have recently started. 
This is, amazingly, a free service.  On our family blog we can each have a link to our own blog, if you have the desire and access to one. (go to  
For those who do not create their own blog or who do not have computer access, we will have the family newsletter.  I think this is still important to do, but it can be included on the blogspot. 
I hope everyone will enjoy this. 